María Peña

I am a PhD student at the Graphics and Imaging Lab (Universidad the Zaragoza, Spain) under the supervision of Prof. Diego Gutierrez and Prof. Julio Marco. I completed my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and my Master's degree in Robotics, Graphics and Computer Vision, both at Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain).
My research interests include light transport simulation, transient imaging, non-line-of-sight imaging and computer vision.
In my free time, I like playing tennis and fencing, reading, and learning new things.

  • Email: mpena (at) unizar (dot) es
  • City: Zaragoza, Spain


Reconstrucción de transporte de luz transitorio en escenas ocultas

María Peña López de Murillas

Supervised by Dr. Julio Marco and Prof. Diego Gutierrez

Computer Sciene Bachelor's Thesis (in Spanish), 2022

PDF .bib


Eurographics Sección Española Best Bachelor's Thesis Award

May 2023

I have received the Best Bachelor's Thesis Award given by Eurographics Sección Española for my Bachelor's Thesis about reconstruction of time-resolved NLOS light transport! This has given me the oportunity to attend CEIG 2023 and present this work to a wider audience of researchers in computer graphics and vision.

NTT Data: Ahead of Technology Special Award

April 2023

I have received the CPGIIARAGON's (Colegio Profesional de Ingenieros Técnicos en Informática de Aragón) NTT Data: Ahead of Technology Special Award for my Bachelor's Thesis about reconstruction of time-resolved NLOS light transport!

Tecnara's Best Bachelor's Thesis Award

October 2022

I have received Tecnara's Best Computer Science Bachelor's Thesis Award for my Bachelor's Thesis about reconstruction of time-resolved NLOS light transport!